In the pantheon of things that should worry you about your baby, facial hair is probably not that high up.

But one parent has admitted to the internet that her baby’s unibrow bothers her so much, she’s been secretly tweezing it off. And when she asked whether this makes her an asshole, answers were somewhat surprisingly divided.

The mom posted on Reddit’s /r/AmItheAsshole sub about her newfound penchant for tweezing off her precious angel’s brow hairs.

“I gave birth 15 months ago to a beautiful baby girl,” she wrote. “She’s always been hairy. It’s nice in a way because she was born with hair on her head and she has really full eyelashes. But she also developed a unibrow.”

Wow. That’s a lot of thought to put into your baby’s appearance. Moving on:

For aesthetic reasons, I decided to pluck it while she slept. If she woke up I would stop. I managed to get it all off in a couple days.

I didn’t really think of this as being a bad thing. But a fellow mom friend of mine […] mentioned my daughter’s eyebrows. I was honest and said I plucked the middle while she slept. She had this horrified look and said she was surprised that I did that.

OP goes on to say this made her feel “a little insecure” about her decision to augment her baby’s appearance. And she asks for “honest feedback” from the Reddit community.

First, let’s go through the “YTA” or “you’re the asshole” contingent. User AquaticDramatic puts it succinctly:

Wtf is wrong with someone who cares about their baby’s EYEBROWS?! Way to cement those self esteem issues nice and early, 10/10 parenting

Another chimed in with a harrowing tale of child brow maintenance:

My mom started waxing my eyebrows around the time I went to kindergarten. She’d pin me to the floor to get it done if I struggled. […] My self esteem is shaky at best & every time I look at my brows (which are my biggest insecurity), I’m reminded my mom thinks I’m ugly too.

Another questioned whether anyone could actually be so shallow as to tweeze a baby’s brows.

I’m honestly questioning if this is real. I refuse to believe someone could be so conceited that they could sit there and pull individual hairs out of their baby’s head over the course of several days and not once question what they were doing.

But there are plenty of “NTA,” or “not the asshole,” responses in this thread to prove that plenty of people are fully willing to consider tweezing a baby’s brows.

“I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this opinion,” one user wrote, “but it’s your baby.” They continued:

If she’s not waking up, she’s obviously okay. I have no kids so maybe I’m the asshole for thinking this way, but she will be teased once she gets to school age. If you do it now, you’re building a pain tolerance for later.

Others agreed that the mom might be doing her baby a favor by nipping the brow in the bud.

Another user said it’s no worse than piercing a baby’s ears.

People pierce babies ears and style their hair in ways that’s painful because they think it’s cute. You did something that I am 100% sure that will be a part of her normal grooming habits. People are over reacting.

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